Second Hand Smoke Equals Cigarette If I Breathe Second Hand Smoke For 2 Hours, Is That Equal To Smoking A Certain Number Of Cigarettes Myself?

If I breathe second hand smoke for 2 hours, is that equal to smoking a certain number of cigarettes myself? - second hand smoke equals cigarette

If so, how?

My cousin smokes like a chimney.

We meet twice a month. She always wants to sit on the porch, so you can chain smoke, as we speak.

I told him it bothered me when he tried to aim the cigarette away from me and turns on a fan for what was supposed to fly away from me.

But you can still smell, and when the wind blows a certain way, no fan, that I can not breathe.

I love my cousin, but I can not handle it and say something new. I know I'll try to talk to me sat there with her, so I need some ammunition, and statistics.

Question # 1 - When I sit with someone for 2 hours of breathing cr @ p, there are statistics that say that- Has 1 cigarette equivalent of me? 2 cigarettes?

Question No. 2 - What's good things to say, a person who will tell you that it's okay, they tried to set too close, while the smoke?

Thank you! We are back together tonight, when they need assistance ASA


Jeremy A said...

Answer 1
Yes, it is certainly dangerous. I think his lungs and you will receive 10% of smoke shes expired.
Answer 2
Tell him you really do not like the smell of this thing, and it needs to smoke outside. I mean, not a problem for a few minutes later:)
Or say you're the feel bad smell.Like tell if someone smokes, so sick

Alisha.S said...

Assuming that is the same for you smoke a cigarette you smoke, I would say the smoker!

iamloved said...

Does your sliding door has a glass door on his website? leave to remain indoors, and while you talk. Voila!

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