Roadway Carrier Is The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Trying To Block Voters From Having Any Say In This Issue?

Is the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration trying to block voters from having any say in this issue? - roadway carrier

"The block vote in the Senate, said the funding for Mexican trucks, FMCSA will continue to vote with Congress - the Senate, the Mexican trucks from U.S. highways prohibit work, but the FMCSA says it will continue to work with Congress "through the conference process" to get funding the project.

What follows is a big fat lie. It will provide new opportunities for the American truck driver after the treatment of Mexican trucks, except to find a new job with its own resources.
Melissa Delaney, director of communications for the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, said: "What we do is continue to work with Congress on the conference process, because we firmly believe in the benefits of the demonstration project, including road safety, consumer savings and new opportunities for American truckers.

My own senators are also wrong. Quote.
Senator John Cornyn, Republican of Texas, which produces an alternative to amending the Republicans Dorgan said the attempt to block the trucks appeared to be limited competition


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